For more than 40 years, Kastalon supplies crane bumpers into every imaginable environment around the world.
From ports and shipyards to steel mills and industrial facilities, Kastalon bumpers are unaffected by extreme environmental conditions, and are highly effective in temperature extremes from less than -51°C (-60°F) to 107°C (225°F).
Approved for use on nuclear fueling cranes by the U.S. Navy and for nuclear power house cranes, Kastalon crane bumpers are virtually unaffected by gamma ray exposures in excess of 1×109 Roentgens.
Whether you are purchasing new equipment or are replacing existing bumpers, specify Kastalon Crane Bumpers.
To assist you in sizing or customizing bumpers, Kastalon offers an interactive web site for calculating the exact bumpers to meet any requirements.
Access the Kastalon Crane Bumper Calculator by visiting or contact us directly and an applications engineer will help select your optimum bumper.