Join us at AISTech 2025! – May 5-8, 2025, Nashville, TN

May 5-8, 2025
Music City Center, Nashville, TN
Booth #2820
Registration for AISTech 2025 is now open

Kastalon Polyurethane Products is honored to once again be exhibiting at AISTech 2025 trade show on May 5-8 in Nashville, TN. Our booth, Booth #2820, will showcase our Koat-A-Roll® sleeves, coil floor pads, coil saddles and crane bumpers, as well as demonstrate how to install our sleeves, hot cast rolls and introduce our new “Magnetic” Fork-Kushion® truck lift bumpers! Be sure to stop by #2820 to chat with our experts or schedule a meeting for a more in-depth discussion.

Check out more about the AISTech Show, booth exhibitors and sponsors. Registration for AISTech 2025 is now open. See you at the show!

Join us at ProMat 2025! – March 17-20, 2025, Chicago, IL

March 17-20, 2025
McCormick Place, Chicago
Booth #S1120
Registration for ProMat is free.

Kastalon Polyurethane Products is honored to once again be exhibiting at ProMat 2025 trade show on March 17th to the 20th at the McCormick Place in Chicago. Our booth, Booth #S1120, will showcase our Koat-A-Roll® sleeves, FDA rollers, PolySkate® Wheels, Koat-a-Wheel®, Kwik-Taper®, as well as demonstrate how to install our sleeves, hot cast rolls, and introduce our new “Magnetic” Fork-Kushion® truck lift bumpers! Be sure to stop by #S1120 to chat with our experts or schedule a meeting for a more in-depth discussion.

We are thrilled to showcase Kastalon’s innovative culture for the Material Handling Industry. Be prepared for technology that will help numerous companies and industries as they improve their supply chain and warehousing efforts.

Check out more about the ProMat 2025 Show, booth exhibitors and sponsors. Registration for ProMat is free. See you at the show!

One-of-a-kind Polyurethane Custom Products

Almost anything is possible when it comes to making one-of-a-kind polyurethane items. The “Blasting Arbor” and “Polyurethane Knuckles” were designed and engineered for making steel rods. In a blasting machine, the customer puts a coil of steel rod on the Arbor. The arbor slowly spins to turn the coil while the machine blasts. The blaster has more than one shooting head in different places. They use Knuckles (**not pictured) to help separate the wound-up Rod so that the media can get between the different layers of coiled Rod as the coil turns on the Arbor. This type of Blaster is rather rare in the US.

Call today to talk to a Kastalon Sales Representative about how we can help you with unique manufacturing.

Mine shaft pulley wheel

Kastalon’s #sheavewheels come in many sizes to suit whatever size rope you may be using. The sheave wheel is a pulley wheel that sits above the mine shaft. The hoist cable passes over the sheave wheel and then down the shaft of the mine. The sheave wheel reduces the sliding friction of the mine cable. — Our sheaves meet the requirements of both the CMAA and the AIST #6 Crane Specifications. Contact a Kastalon sales representative to learn more: #mining #miningindustry

Aircraft Carrier Arresting Gear Components

The 8 diagonal olive drab strips at the rear 1/3 of the deck on the top ship and 6 on the lower are our parts. These are renewable wear surfaces that protect arresting gear components from wear and failure. (Failure would be catastrophic, usually resulting in the loss of an aircraft.) The #Navy found a flaw in the decades-old design and sought input from qualified suppliers. Kastalon’s design team went to work and offered a design and prototypes. The prototypes were field tested and found to be the most effective, highest reliability submission. #Kastalon’s parts are now the standard for this application. This is an example of the innovation and expertise we bring to every customer’s business. We understand the challenges and demands of our customer’s processes and are expert at making parts with the best mechanical properties and the best chemistry for their optimum performance. Quality, experience and service supporting your success. Ask the #Navy! #NavyContractor

20 Years Strong – Retractable Roof Springs

#20YearsStrong #RetractableRoofSprings #AstroBaseballStadium In this project, the project manager needed a specialized spring that would compress when the wheels met a high spot on the rail. The Uni-Systems design team, along with engineers at Kastalon Polyurethane Products, selected a specialized Kastalon Polyurethane to make the elastomeric springs. With the planned two-decade lifespan now almost upon us, we are bringing out the plans and molds again! Thank you for this repeat business and we’re proud of the success behind Kastalon Polyurethane Spring Systems. If you need a non-metalic, or partial metallic/elastomeric spring system, call on Kastalon today!

Join Us at MODEX 2022!

Kastalon Polyurethane Products is honored to once again be exhibiting at MHI’s MODEX trade show on March 28-31 in Atlanta. Our booth, Booth #B4211, will showcase our Koat-A-Roll® sleeves, coil floor pads, coil saddles and crane bumpers, as well as demonstrate how to install our sleeves, hot cast rolls and introduce our new “Magnetic” Fork-Kushion® truck lift bumpers! Easily navigate to our booth, right down the main isle, to see our products in action (we’re on the corner, next to Berkshire Gray Inc, Bissell Commercial and INTORQ US Inc)! Be sure to stop by #B4211 to chat with our experts or schedule a meeting for a more in-depth discussion.

We are thrilled to showcase Kastalon’s innovative culture with an exciting new product launch. Be prepared for technology that will help numerous companies and industries as they improve their supply chain and warehousing efforts.

Check out more about the Modex2022 Show, booth exhibitors and sponsors. Registration for MODEX is free. See you at the show!

Polyurethane Developments – Metal Center News

Polyurethane Developments
Kastalon Polyurethane Products, Alsip, Ill, has a mission: to protect coils with polyurethane. While the company has traditionally manufactured pads to protect coils, it also offers Coil Saddles, which are a variation of coil pads. “It’s very similar to a pad, except it’s two very robust pieces that have a thinner cross-section, but they have a very deep radius,” says Bob DeMent, president. “They actually carry two different radiuses for different diameter coils.”

Because the Coil Saddles are so deep, they inadvertently are also safety mechanisms for the coils and the people working with them. “Their depth allows fewer roll offs and easier landings from overhead cranes,” says DeMent. “The coils seat themselves much better [in the Coil Saddles], which provide a much more stable environment for the coil.” He adds that they are easily anchored into the floor and easily moved and that these polyurethane Coil Saddles handle coil weights better than all-urethane or all-rubber pads.

Kastalon also offers filler plates, “which allow a processor to take his existing mandrel, which let’s say is equipped for 20-inch ID coil processing, and bolt on filler plates, which are just added-on diameter,” says DeMent. “They bolt these plates onto the circular mandrel, and it will allow them to work with coils much larger on the ID than what they’re traditionally set up for. These filler plates are immensely inexpensive compared to having a whole new mandrel made, so the processors or the mills are allowed to take advantage of perhaps spot purchases of coils with a varying ID they’re not used to processing.”

He points out that steel filler plates have been the norm in the marketplace and can attach to a mandrel relatively quickly. Yet steel being so expensive and heavy makes it difficult for the mandrel to operate. “The more weight you add, the harder it is on the machine. The weight endangers those who handle these plates and the plates themselves,” says DeMent. While plastic filler plates have become a popular alternative due to their low weight and low cost, they are physically not strong, says DeMent. “If you drop those, it’s not as much of a hazard to a human being, but they can crack, and then you’re out quite a bit of money.”

Enter Kastalon’s polyurethane filler plates, which give the weight reduction of plastic over steel and have the properties of urethane, “so they don’t scratch, they don’t mar, they don’t dent,” says DeMent. “In this day and age, with coil tonnage being so expensive, you must maximize every inch of that, every pound of that to reduce your scrap, but you’ve got to take advantage of being able to process almost any ID coil that you can get your hands on.”

Most important? “Customers are loving them,” says DeMent.

Originally reported By Beth Gainer on Jan 26, 2022 – Coil Coating – Metal Center News